3 on Thursday

It’s here!  It’s here!  I get married this weekend!  I have to say, it’s a very surreal feeling, but it’s beyond exciting.  We arrived in Savannnah yesterday morning and are now in full wedding mode.  We’ve been running errands (like getting our marriage license – eek!), painting a bar menu, and dropping off hospitality bags.  But tonight is when the festivities begin so everything that is to be done will be done and we can just enjoy this amazing time.

3 on thurs1

I spotted some fun flowers while I was walking around the city recently.  At the time it was still VERY cold outside and so nice to see some color and hope for spring.  It’s finally starting to warm up around here, and I’m hoping NYC will be in full spring mode by the time we get back from our minimoon.

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I made a yummy breakfast bowl with caramel macchiato yogurt and coffee caramel granola (all from Trader Joe’s).  It was some nice fuel before my workout over the weekend.  Because I’ve had a lot of errands to run in the afternoon/evening so I’ve had to add in some morning workouts if I wanted to hit the 4x/week I committed myself to.  Surprisingly, I don’t hate it.  It’s harder to force myself to go to sleep early, but it’s given me a good kickstart to the day.  It’s not going to become a regular routine, but maybe I’ll add a few AM workouts to my schedule moving forward.

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I cashed in my freebie at my local coffee spot – such a great feeling.  Walking around in the sunshine with a good coffee is one of life’s simple pleasures. Â