Potato Chip Caviar Canapés (& Hamilton Menu)

You know I love any excuse to create a themed menu. Since the premiere of Hamilton on Disney+ was the television event of the season, I knew I had to do something special for our viewing party. I prepared a few different items, but this little appetizer is a special one. It takes mere seconds to put together, is crazy addictive, doesn’t cost much, and will wow the heck out of your guests. We’re still quarantined so we didn’t have any guests, but I still wowed myself.

You’ll need three ingredients: potato chips, sour cream, and caviar. I think kettle cooked chips work best here because they’re sturdier, which makes it even easier to assemble while avoiding breakage. Also, they’re usually better looking on a platter. Terra style chips would work well too. If you want to get slightly fancy, use crème fraîche instead of sour cream. The flavor will be slightly sweeter vs. tangy, but I happen to think sour cream works perfectly and is cheaper/more readily available. And don’t break the bank with caviar. I bought this jar on Amazon for $10 and not only does it do the trick, it’ll last forever. I’m telling ya – this one’s a stunner.

And for the full menu:

  • Hammies (aka ham, cream cheese, and cornichons rolled up) – The show is called Hamilton and hammies are a favorite snack. This one was a no-brainer.
  • Schuyler Chipsters – This is what I called the potato chip snack detailed in this post, in honor of the Schuyler sisters.
  • Aaron Burrgers with You’ll Be Back Sauce – To honor the “villain” of the show, I made sliders with frozen meatballs and King’s Hawaiian rolls. I topped them with cheddar and what I called “You’ll Be Back Sauce,” (for the song in the show) aka comeback sauce…which I think might be a Southern thing? It’s basically mayo, chili sauce, hot sauce, worcestershire, and some spices.
  • Chicken à la King George – I made quick chicken à la king by sautéing a chopped bell pepper in butter then whisking in cream of mushroom soup, milk, peas, and cooked chicken. Served over pasta.
  • Not Throwing Away My Jello Shot – Jello shots from Bad & Boozy were the perfect drink. After all, we’re young scrappy and hungry.
  • I didn’t make dessert; but if I had, it would had been The World Turned Pineapple Upside Down cake. Didn’t make sense when we’re not big on sweets in our house and with only two of us a lot would go to waste…but how perfect would that have been?!